Máquina de grabado láser Cloudray

Why Choose Cloudray Laser Machine

—————— Benefits ONLY for orders directly on  www.cloudraylaser.com ——————
1.Only orders directly on www.cloudraylaser.com can enjoy the benefits above.
2.Not responsible for any orders from Cloudray Store on any shopping platforms (Amazon/ Ebay etc.) because we are different teams with different services and machine configurations.
3.We offer unique configurations of laser engraver machine which is more stable and high-efficient than normal.  


Works of Cloudray Official Marking/Engraving Test 

Tested by Cloudray Official Laser Machinewith unique configuraions (high-effencient galvo system only supported in www.cloudraylaser.com, not available in cloudray store on any shopping platforms)

Cloudray Litemarker Pro - QS SERIES

Function: Standard Marking / Engraving on Most Metal Materials
Watt: 30W/50W
Working Area(Lens):4.3” X 4.3” / 7.9”X7.9”/ 11.8” X 11.8” 
Laser: RAYCUS (Q-switched Pulsed Fiber Laser)
SoftwareEzcard 2
Galvo Head:ZBTK (Default)
Features: Adorable price compared to other machine types

Cloudray MP SERIES

Function: Faster Marking / Engraving on Most Metal Materials; Anodized Aluminum Black Marking; Stainless Steel Color Marking
Watt: 60W
Working Area(Lens):4.3” X 4.3” / 7.9”X7.9”/ 11.8” X 11.8” 
Laser: JPT M7 (MOPA Fiber laser)
Software:  Ezcard 2 
Galvo Head:High-stability ZBTK (Default)
Features: Support Customization and Upgrading; Partly deep engraving and metal cutting (not for precise metal works); Have high contrast and accuracy on metal materials

Cloudray GM SERIES

Function: High-efficient in Engraving and Cutting on Metal Materials
Watt: 100W
Working Area(Lens):6.9" x 6.9" 
Laser: JPT M7 (MOPA Fiber laser)
Software: Ezcard 2
Galvo : JCZ Customized Galvo (Integrated Drive & Control)
Features: Built in Camera (support adjusting position directly in software); Support Precise Engraving ; Precise Metal Cutting Without distortion;Faster Marking; Rust Removal

Cloudray AR SERIES

Function: Faster Marking / Engraving on Most Metal Materials; Anodized Aluminum Black Marking; Stainless Steel Color Marking; 2.5D Deep Engraving; Precise Metal Cutting
Watt: 100W
Working Area(Lens):4.3” X 4.3” 
Laser: JPT M7 (MOPA Fiber laser)
Software: Ezcard 3
Galvo Head:ZBTK (Default)/ FEELTEK, SCANLAB (Upgrade Option)
Features: Support Precise 2.5D Engraving; Precise Metal Cutting Without distortion;Faster Marking; Rust Removal
Notification:we don't recommend customers use this function(rust removal) for professional request as it is strict with parameters due to the different components of materials. Incorrect operation may lead to some damage to your material.
If you want the machine for professional cleaning, please choose our Laser Cleaning Machine.

Cloudray UV SERIES

Function: Standard Marking on Most Non-Metal Materials
Watt: 3W/5W
Working Area(Lens):3.5” X 3.5” / 4.3” X 4.3”
Laser: FOTIA (Nanosecond Laser)
Software: Ezcard 2 Lite
Galvo Head:ZBTK (Default)/ FEELTEK, SCANLAB (Upgrade Option)
Features: Suitable for marking and micro-hole drilling of food and pharmaceutical packaging materials, high-speed division of glass materials and complex graphics cutting of silicon wafers

Cloudray EC SERIES

Function: Common Marking/ Engraving on Most Non-Metal Materials; 3D DynamicMarker on Non-Metal Materials
Watt: 30W/60W
Working Area(Lens):8.3” X 8.3” 
Laser: CO2 Radio Frequency Laser
Software: Ezcard 2 Lite
Galvo Head: OUYA
Features: Suitable for Marking on Non-Metal Materials

Fibra frente a CO2 frente a UV: ¿Qué marcador láser debo elegir?

Los láseres pueden marcar y procesar una amplia variedad de productos, pero no hay una respuesta única para todas las aplicaciones. Los marcadores láser de fibra, CO2 y UV funcionan de manera diferente según la aplicación y el material.

Aquí hay una breve descripción general de la tecnología láser de fibra, CO2 y UV. También hemos incluido algunos videos de marcado de muestra que destacan las fortalezas y debilidades de cada sistema.

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¿Cómo elijo la máquina de grabado/marcado láser adecuada de Cloudray?

La tecnología de marcado de piezas láser es cada vez más importante en todos los ámbitos de la fabricación, desde la automoción hasta la industria aeroespacial y médica. Esto se debe a la creciente demanda de los fabricantes y las regulaciones federales para poder rastrear y rastrear productos ......

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Aprenda los componentes y el mantenimiento de la máquina de grabado/marcado láser

Hoy, compartamos la información básica sobre los componentes y el mantenimiento de la máquina de grabado/marcado láser.

Por lo general, cuando queremos pedir la máquina láser adecuada, mientras que hay tipos de máquinas diferentes para que elijamos...

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